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EU enterprises in Vietnam optimistic again

The leadership of European Union enterprises in Vietnam has become more optimistic about Vietnam’s business environment after the social distancing has ended, and commerce and investment have begun the “new normal.”

HCM City seeks 1.66b USD to build affordable housing for workers

HCMC authorities are seeking 37.6 trillion VND (1.66 billion USD) to build affordable housing for workers over the next five years, of which State revenue will account for no more than 5 percent of the total investment.

Cultural development strategy until 2030 approved

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has signed Decision No.1909/QD-TTg approving a cultural development strategy until 2030.

‘Companion Physicians’ and their lofty mission of saving lives

After 10 days and nights of preparation, at 11 am on August 1, 2021, Dr Le Tuan Thanh received a message that “the system is through” and burst into tears. “I knew we could do something for HCM City residents,” he said.

Vietnam to compete at Miss World 2021

Vietnamese representative Do Thi Ha has left the country for Puerto Rico to attend Miss World 2021.

HCMC proposes to receive 100,000 more Molnupiravir doses

Ho Chi Minh City has asked for 100,000 more Molnupiravir doses.

Authorities, enterprises collaborate to respond to trade remedy lawsuits

Vietnam is currently facing 208 trade remedy lawsuits, and this figure is expected to increase sharply in the coming time, causing the market share of Vietnamese goods to be at risk of shrinking in many export markets.

Hanoi aims to develop smart agriculture

The capital city has implemented many high-tech agricultural production models in order to move towards smart agriculture.

Vietnamese children learn how to deal with harmful ‘challenges’ online

A study conducted in Vietnam and some countries shows that minors are likely to be exposed to toxic challenges online. What should parents do to reduce the risks?

Vietnam’s information, technology and equipment exchange to open this month

The transaction floor of information, technology and equipment will officially open from November 25 at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hoan Kiem District, in Hanoi and on

Buildings and landmarks in Vietnam are lighting up blue for children

Light Up Blue for World Children’s Day is a global initiative. Many buildings in Vietnam's largest cities joined the initiative this year.

Vietnamese ‘Road to Olympia’ winner starts business in Australia

The winner at the 2005 ‘Road to Olympia’ competition, Le Vu Hoang, believes Australia is a favorable environment for him to create products and then offer them to Vietnam.

Young people need to be equipped with bravery and good cultural ‘resistance'

Ass. Prof. Dr. Nguyen The Ky, Chairman of the Central Committee for Theory and Criticism of Literature and Arts, talks about the upcoming National Cultural Conference.

Global housing fever: a warning for Vietnam

Vietnam's estate market has grown strongly in recent years, and will still be an attractive investment channel for domestic and foreign investors.

Students busily prepare for up to 30 international math competitions

Even students in second and third grades have obtained many medals from international mathematics competitions.


Binh Duong remains attractive to foreign investors


Memorial ceremony held for COVID-19 victims

Violations of Hippocratic Oath found in cases in healthcare sector

A number of famous doctors have recently had to pay a heavy price for their breaking of the Hippocratic Oath, which they recited at their medical school graduation ceremonies.

HCM City primary schools to have common video lessons

Video lessons made by outstanding primary school teachers identified by local education officials will be used by all primary schools in HCM City.

HCM City proposes 7-day quarantine for F0 at concentrated facilities

Ho Chi Minh City has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health allowing it to cut short the concentrated quarantine time for F0 cases to seven days.