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Unprecedented images at polling stations in quarantine areas across Vietnam

This morning, voters who were under quarantine cast their votes at polling stations inside quarantine centers and isolated areas.

'Special' voters go to the polls in Hanoi

This morning (May 23), many special voters, including the elderly and people with disabilities, in Hanoi went to the polls to exercise their citizenship.

The rising popularity of rap music in Vietnam

Den Vau, whose real name is Nguyen Duc Cuong, was born in 1989. He is a native of the northern region, but was born and raised in the South. 

Many constituencies report early high turnout rates in largest-ever election

Voters nationwide went to the polls on Sunday to elect deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils of all levels for the 2021-26 tenure.

Tens of thousands of railway workers unpaid due to funding delay

The lives of tens of thousands of railways workers have once again been turned upside down as their salaries have remained unpaid for four months. 


Wind power sector attractive to investors, construction firms

Vietnamese art masterpieces to be sold in Christie's upcoming auction

Three Vietnamese paintings by late Vietnamese painters will be auctioned at the Christie’s upcoming 20th and 21st Century Art Evening Sale in Hong Kong (China) on May 24.

The economic side of steel price

A steel price hike would affect immediately some economic sectors and later the entire economy. The final outcome is that the price level in the economy will go up.

Elections go as planned nationwide: NA Vice Chairman

The elections have gone as planned in all cities and provinces so far, thanks to well-organised and convenient setup, member of the National Election Council and Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh told reporters on May 23.

Border guard forces of Vietnam, China, Laos meet to boost coordination

The border guard forces of Vietnam, China, and Laos met at the countries’ border T-junction on May 22 to discuss border management and defence measures and launch a week-long joint border management programme.

Health workers face toughest pandemic battle yet

The fourth wave of COVID-19 infections, starting from April 27, is considered the most severe in Vietnam since the pandemic began.


Vietnam to enter new stage of development: Party leader

Forgotten leprosy patients

The Director of the National Hospital of Dermatology said that leprosy patients need special care. They cannot survive if we stop caring for them.

A Hanoian spends nearly a decade collecting ballot papers

After nine years searching and collecting, a man in Hanoi has a valuable collection of hundreds of ballot papers of the national elections.

More investors flock to smart-home market

The smart-home market is attracting much interest from foreign and local companies due to its enormous potential, with experts estimating it to grow into a behemoth worth millions of dollars.

Voters nationwide cast ballots

The election is a great festival of the nation, a chance for voters to exercise their citizen right and duty in selecting capable persons representing the people’s will, aspiration and right to mastery in the NA and People’s Councils at all levels.

All About Photo Awards honours Vietnamese photographer

A photograph depicting an aerial scene of fishermen casting their nets on the sea taken by Vietnamese photographer Nguyen Phuoc Hoai has been won the Merit Award at the All About Photo Awards 2021.

Party leader casts ballots in Hanoi’s Hai Ba Trung district

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong came to Polling Station No 4 of Nguyen Du ward in Hanoi on May 23 morning to cast his vote in the elections of deputies to the 15th NA and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 term.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh casts ballots in Can Tho

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended a ceremony to start the elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels in the 2021-2026 tenure and cast his vote at the voting unit No 18 in Can Tho on May 23 morning.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc joins HCM City voters in elections

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his wife joined others voters in Cu Chi town of Cu Chi district, HCM City, in casting ballots on May 23 morning to select deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils for 2021-2026.