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Morgan Stanley adds names of Vietnamese banks to Frontier Market Index

Many Vietnamese banks have made breakthroughs in recent times and have attracted the attention of leading financial institutions in the world.

Ho Chi Minh City to have new BRT bus route

The bus rapid transit (BRT) route No. 1 that runs along Vo Van Kiet - Mai Chi Tho Boulevard is expected to be opened to the public in late 2022. The investment in this bus route is about $3 million per 1km.

Vietnam mobile e-commerce to value $10.2 billion by 2023

E-wallets in Vietnam have strongly benefited from the change in payment habits during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Digital transformation is '2nd reform' after Doi Moi

Digital transformation starts with a mind shift. 

Viettels patent number increases by 142% a year

The number of patents granted to Viettel has increased by 142 per cent a year which is nearly eight times higher than the country’s average increase of 18 per cent.


Vietnam among top 10 remittance recipients in 2020 with US$17.2 billion

This was a fourth consecutive year that Vietnam remains in the top 10 in terms of remittance.

13 COVID-19 patients in critical condition, one at risk of death

Vietnamese doctors are treating 14 severely ill patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including one at risk of mortality.


131 new COVID-19 cases recorded in Vietnam on May 15 evening

Swiss Party of Labour voices solidarity with Vietnamese AO victims

The Swiss Party of Labour has expressed its solidarity with Vietnamese-French woman Tran To Nga and all Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin victims of Vietnam after a French court rejected Nga’s lawsuit seeking justice for the victims.

French artists tell Vietnamese stories through boxes of artworks

French creative duo Punk Dragon have launched an exhibition in Hanoi with a range of special boxes showcasing the Vietnamese landscape and local people going about their daily lives.

Warnings given to Chairman of Vietnam Southern Food Corporation

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has decided to give warnings to Vo Thanh Ha, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Vietnam Southern Food Corporation, for his wrongdoings in land management in District 1, HCMC.

Man arrested for smuggling foreigners into Vietnam

The man confessed to own three companies sponsoring the entry of foreigners in Vietnam as experts.


Pork imports from Russia soar ten-fold

Land price hikes stop, but property remains expensive

Though land fever has eased, prices are still high. The apartments in projects in advantageous positions are being offered at sky-high prices of VND300-400 million per square meter.

Old discarded clothes turned into expensive products

All old things, from clothes and guitars to motorbikes, can be recycled into useful and highly aesthetic items thanks to talented artisans.

23-year-old wins nine scholarships for doctoral study in the US

Vo Pham Thuy Tien has won full scholarships from nine prestigious schools in the US.

Foreign food chains unable to sustain in Vietnamese market

Vietnam has for many years been considered as an attractive market for the retail industry, including fast foods and beverages. 

Expressway connecting central coastal localities ready for opening to traffic

The La Son-Tuy Loan expressway connecting Thua Thien-Hue Province and Da Nang City, part of the North-South expressway, is now ready for opening to traffic.

West Lake pollution shows no signs of improving

West Lake in Hanoi has been polluted for many years and the problem doesn't seem to be getting any better.

'Green' startup produces electric power-assisted bicycles

With just a saddle-sized kit of tools, Wiibike can turn a normal bicycle into an electric bike easily.