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Over $27 billion of bad debts settled

 Over $27 billion of bad debts settled

Cambodian front official meets with Hanoi officials

 A visiting delegation from the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia’s Motherland led by its Vice Chairman and Acting General Secretary Nhem Valy, has met with officials from the Hanoi Party Committee.

Central Highlands halt licensing forest conversion projects

 The Central Highlands provinces have halted licensing projects involving the use of natural forests for other land needs, particularly for industrial tree plantations, and those likely to overexploit forest products in converted forest areas.

Hanoi okays FPT proposal for intelligent transport system

 The Hanoi People’s Committee has approved FPT Information System (FIS)’s proposal to develop an intelligent transport system (ITS) to improve traffic flow in the city.

Hanoi looks to welcome more Korean investors

 Hanoi will create all best possible conditions for investors from the Republic of Korea (RoK) to invest in Hanoi as well as for 50,000 RoK citizens living in the Vietnamese capital, said Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung.

All Vietnamese businesses can import cars now

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has released a draft decree that all businesses can import cars provided they fulfil the required conditions and get a car import licence.

Abbott’s 2016 earnings in Vietnam touch $434 million

 Global healthcare company Abbott recorded net sales of US$434 million in the Vietnamese market last year, the company’s 2016 annual report revealed. Viet Nam is among top 10 profitable markets of Abbott.

US transfers high endurance cutter to Vietnam Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard transferred a High Endurance Cutter to the Vietnam Coast Guard during a ceremony in Honolulu on Thursday morning. 

Russia grants 170 scholarships to Vietnamese students

 170 Vietnamese students who have won the Russian language, Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Olympiads held by the Russian Center for Science and Culture will receive full scholarships from the Russian Government.

Brazilian doctors use fish skin to treat burn victims

 Researchers in Brazil are experimenting with a new treatment for severe burns using the skin of tilapia fish, an unorthodox procedure they say can ease the pain of victims and cut medical costs.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc suggests Google open representative office in Vietnam

 PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc suggested Google open official representative office in Viet Nam as many of Google’s services have been widely used by Vietnamese businesses and people.

Bkav warns of new lethal malware

 Internet security firm Bkav has warned of a new strain of malware dubbed EternalRocks that is said to be more dangerous than the ransomware WannaCry, according to its statement on the security forum WhiteHat.

HCM City departments say will launch medical tourism

 HCMC’s health and tourism departments will join forces to promote medical tourism in the city in the coming time, as data from hospitals in the city show that the demand of international visitors for health services here is high.

Chinese step up acquisition of property in Vietnam

The Chinese are considered ‘quiet investors’ compared with Singaporean, South Korean and Japanese, but there are signs they have been stepping up the takeover of Vietnamese properties.

Poster exhibition of Cuban artist displayed in the capital

 VietNamNet Bridge – As many as 18 historical paintings and posters by late Cuban artist Felix René Mederos Pazos are on display in an exhibition entitled Hoi Tuong Thuc Tai, 

HCM City hosts southern food, fruit fests

A wide range of fruits from the southern region will be on display for three months at the 13th Southern Fruit Festival, starting from June 1 at Suoi Tien Theme Park.

HCM City to crack whip on ungreen projects

HCM City authorities will carry out regular checks of housing projects to ensure they have the stipulated green areas, with a focus on large projects already occupied by residents.

20 ao dai designs donated to HCM City’s women museum

 Southern Women's Museum in Ho Chi Minh City on May 25 received 20 ao dai from designer Nhat Dung.

Korean experts examine damaged fishing boats in central Vietnam

 South Korean experts and representatives from Doosan Group on Thursday started looking for reasons causing damages in newly launched fishing boats that have used engines produced by the group in the central province of Binh Dinh.

Party official meets Vietnamese ambassadors abroad

 The representative offices of Vietnam in foreign countries should continue prioritising matters that serve Vietnam’s sustainable development and raise the country’s profile within the world arena.