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Hanoi’s Quan Son Lake - “Ha Long Bay on Land”

Just about 50km southwest of Hanoi’s centre, a “green gemstone” is tucked away in the suburban district of My Duc. Quan Son Lake is the perfect attraction for nature-lovers to enjoy on the weekend.

HCM City fails to meet high social housing demand

 The demand for low-income housing has continued to increase in HCM City, but several barriers prevent it from being met.

Fears of a Vietnamese property bubble grow

 More warnings have been raised around unbalanced development in supply and demand in the property market.

Demand for organic products rises

 Demand for organic farm produce has risen significantly in Việt Nam, offering good prospects for businesses investing in the field, delegates said at a seminar in HCM City on October 28.

HCM City to host magic festival

 A festival for amateur and professional magicians in the southern provinces opens in HCM City on October 29.

HCM City gets spooky for Halloween

 Halloween, traditionally held on October 31, will come early tonight to enterprising young people at HCM City’s Hoa Lu Gymnasium.


AgroViet 2016 to attract over 300 enterprises, The KAfe to change CEO, Twenty one percent SMEs connect with global supply chains, Steel giant's profit triples in 9 months, US businesses eye increased investments in private sector

Cheo-inspired music work to debut

 New music composition entitled Gio by composer Dang Tue Nguyen will be played by pianist Pho An My.

E-newspaper suspended from publication

 The Ministry of Information and Communications yesterday temporarily suspended the publication of the Tam Nhin (Vision) e-newspaper for three months for violating rules defined in its operating licence.

Hospital fees may not rise in December

 A Ministry of Health’s plan to increase hospital fees in December may be delayed  in several provinces and cities across the country.

Quang Nam: Mass workers found faint at work

Quang Nam authorities are investigating the 43 labourers found unconscious at the Korean Panko Tam Thăng Company in the last two days.

HCM City to set up food-safety teams in all districts

 Food-safety inspection teams, which have been piloted in five districts, will be established in all districts’ wards and communes, according to Nguyen Huu Hung, deputy head of the HCM City’s health department.

VN detects over 1,000 marine species

 Vietnam has identified over 1,080 species of marine fish, including many highly economically valuable creatures such as the skipjack tuna, Japanese horse mackerel, yellowtail scad, largehead hairtail (or beltfish), ariid catfish, among others.

Social News 29/10

HCM City to host the 1st festival of kylin, lion and dragon dance performance, Health sector PPPs still face challenges, More people being bitten by rove beetles, Vietnamese women contribute 110 million hours of unpaid work each day

RMIT Vietnam launches first PhD programme

 RMIT Vietnam has launched the university’s first international-standard PhD programme with three degree options: Business, Management, or Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Annual Robotics Contest for school kids begins this week

 More than 500 primary and secondary school students in Hanoi, HCM City and Da Nang will take part in the annual Robothon Contest starting on Sunday.

HCM City seeks essential programme funding

 HCM City is struggling to seek funds for projects in seven breakthrough programmes because of budget constraints, officials said at a meeting in HCM City. 

International tourists to Vietnam soar

 More than 8 million overseas tourists arrived in Vietnam in the first 10 months of 2016, up 25.4 percent against the same period last year.

VNPT awarded licence to provide 4G services

 Minister of Information and Communications Truong Minh Tuan on October 28 handed a licence to provide 4G services to the Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Group (VNPT). 

Congressmen hear crime, corruption fight reports

 The Government issued drastic instructions and ministries, sectors, localities and the entire people made concerted efforts to combat crimes in 2016, Minister of Public Security To Lam told legislators on October 28.