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Vietnamese-American scientist awarded Wilhelm Exner Medal 2023

Vietnamese-American scientist Nguyen Thuc Quyen has recently been awarded the Wilhelm Exner Medal 2023 for her valuable contributions directly impacting the future economy through the development of organic solar cells.


PM requests intensifying administrative reform, business climate improvement

Vietnam seeks RoK's assistance to develop baseball

In Vietnam, baseball was first introduced in Ho Chi Minh City over 10 years ago through some foreign entrepreneurs.

National Power Development Plan VIII to ensure national energy security

The National Power Development Plan VIII, which has been recently approved by the Prime Minister, aims to ensure national energy security, thus satisfying the country's socio-economic requirements in the time ahead.

Contributions of foreign direct investment cannot be denied

The role of foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) has been enormous and cannot be denied in all aspects of our country’s economic and social life over the past 35 years.

Real estate loses position as second biggest FDI sector

In April, real estate lost the second position in the ranking of business fields most attractive to foreign investors. In May, as many as 554 real estate firms were dissolved.

FDI enterprises see contradictory performance on stock market

Besides the listed FDI enterprises doing business with profit, there are names that have been delisted due to losses.

Five important traffic projects to be constructed in Q2/2023

In the coming months, the Ministry of Transport is pushing investors and project management boards to complete investment procedures in order to commence 10 and complete nine projects in the second quarter.

Top models to compete in national modeling reality TV show

Around 20 male and female models will compete for the title of the modelling-themed reality TV series Face Vietnam 2023.

Da Nang int'l fireworks festival to activate bustling summer tourism season

The Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF 2023) is expected to be a "symphony of lights" activating a bustling summer tourism season in the central beach city of Da Nang.

The monetary policy and liquidity of the economy

Enterprises want to have a flexible effective monetary policy and to see their demand for capital satisfied. Ensuring liquidity is one of the most important duties of the policy.

Three women killed in Khanh Hoa home dispute

Police in the central province of Khanh Hoa's Dien Khanh District are searching for a man who killed his wife and two other women following a quarrel with his wife early this morning, June 2.

NA deputies propose solutions to support enterprises

During discussions about socio-economic development yesterday morning, National Assembly (NA) deputies agreed that the State and the society should closely support the enterprise community.

Patient with both male, female genitalia has testicular cancer surgery

The patient has the form of a female, with ovaries and clitoris, and testes hidden in the left groin area. After nearly 40 years without intervention, the patient was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Nine Vietnamese universities listed in THE Impact Rankings 2023

Nine Vietnamese universities have been listed in the THE Impact Rankings 2023 released by the Times Higher Education (THE) on June 1.

Over US$1.4 bln spent on import of animal feed raw materials

Vietnamese imports of raw materials for processing animal feed during the first five months of the year reached US$1.41 billion, marking a drop of 5.8% compared to the same period last year.

VN supports implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

As one of the countries most affected by natural disasters and climate change, Vietnam always attaches importance to fulfilling global commitments to disaster risk reduction.


Japan intensifies infrastructure focus

Investors urged to build resilient ESG-centered financial ecosystem

Investors are under more pressure than ever to develop portfolios that are fit to tackle market volatility and embody their ethical values while meeting Vietnam’s net zero commitment, speakers said at a conference on May 31.

Over 300 companies to participate in Telefilm Vietnam

Over 300 companies from 15 countries and territories will participate in the International Exhibition of Film, Technology, Radio, and Television (Telefilm Vietnam) 2023 which is scheduled for June 8-10 in Ho Chi Minh City.