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Indian woman on a mission

 VietNamNet Bridge – Pulamarasetty Padmavathi says she agree dimmediately when her husband suggested that they should move to Viet Nam to live even though she had never heard of the country before.

OV farmer in Hawaii inspires a nation

 Most travellers will tell you that the best way to get a true taste of what your destination has to offer is to start with the market and if you’re traveling to the US islands of Hawaii –  hitting the Hilo Farmer’s Market is an absolute must.

Spring Festivals during Tet

 January and February are the most exciting months of the year in Vietnam with a variety of festivals organized throughout the nation on the occasion paying homage to Buddha, ancestors and praying for good fortune.

New Year interview with Industry and Trade Minister

Vietnam has been highly successful at mobilizing inward foreign direct investment (FDI) over the past few years, which has played an important role in the nation’s economic development, said Minister Vu Huy Hoang.

Vien welcomes New Year with new hopes

 After a successful year, swimmer Nguyen Thi Anh Vien is dreaming of a place in the final at the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2016.

Vinh is Vietnam's highest-paid sportsperson

 Le Cong Vinh has been recognised as the highest-paid sportsman of Viet Nam, based on what he has earned in the last eight years.

Vietnam to step up beef cattle farming

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam ought to convert ineffective rice cultivation areas into grass fields for raising beef cattle, since intensive livestock farming is significantly more profitable,

New trend of pet keeping

 VietNamNet Bridge – Normally, people keep ornamental fish and birds as pets but recently, raising ornamental chickens has become trendy.

Hanoi well prepared for IPU-132

The 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132) will take place in Hanoi from March 28 to April 1.

Minister Vinh: Failure is not an option for Vietnam

Celebrating the Year of the Goat, Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh shared his thoughts on the momentous year ahead as Vietnam readies for AEC and global economic integration.

Counterfeit goods undermine Vietnam’s economic prosperity

 VietNamNet Bridge – The proliferation of counterfeit products in Vietnam - from consumer electronics to pharmaceuticals and fertilisers - is slowing the nation’s economic growth and even putting people’s lives at risk.

Government’s Resolution 01 targets 6.2 percent GDP

 The Government has adopted Resolution 01/NQ-CP detailing key tasks and measures to realise the 2015 socio-economic development.

Visit the brocade village of Chau Phong

 VietNamNet Bridge - Located along the bank of Vinh An canal, opposite the town of Chau Doc, is the Chau Phong village of the Cham people. This is an old village which still preserves the characteristics of the Cham culture in the Mekong Delta.

Chi takes charge of HCM City team

 Former national captain Doan Thi Kim Chi has been appointed manager of the HCM City women's football team.

Businesses reluctant to spend money on mobile sites

VietNamNet Bridge – Internet users tend to use their mobile devices instead of desktop computers, but Vietnamese company websites have not been optimized to meet customer demand.

Brackish shrimp destroying Truong Giang river

VietNamNet Bridge – The Truong Giang River contains waste water from thousands of shrimp ponds in the coastal districts of Thang Binh and Nui Thanh in Quang Nam province.

Bringing the mountains to the lowlands

VietNamNet Bridge – Fond memories of her native place, Ha Giang, and empathy for women who live difficult lives there impells Do Bich Thuy to write stories that reach the heart of urban dwellers, but her love for Ha Noi is also a muse,

SBV to develop cash-transporting service

 The State Bank of Viet Nam will allow domestic commercial banks to start companies responsible for transporting cash to branches and transaction offices in order to reduce related expenses.

U.S. firm explores more power projects

 VietNamNet Bridge – AES Corporation of the United States is mulling plans to get involved in more power projects in Vietnam following its investment in the Mong Duong 2 power station,

Boating along O Lau River

 VietNamNet Bridge – To make a boat tour along the O Lau River, we departed at a wharf in Hoi Ky Village in Thua Thien-Hue Province, where bamboo clumps mirrored in the clear water.