Two publications giving instructions on caring for rescued moon and sun bears, as well as guidance to plant herbal alternatives to bear bile were launched at a ceremony held in the Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Vinh Phuc province on July 10.



Two publications launched to protect bears in Vietnam

The launch of the books, which were compiled by experts from the Animals Asia Foundation (AAF), is part of the foundation’s strategy on improving the rescue and protection capacity of Vietnam’s rescue centres, while eradicating bear bile farming in Vietnam.

The first book, 'Caring and securing the welfare for rescued moon and sun bears at rescued centres’ is a bilingual handbook in Vietnamese and English, providing comprehensive information on caring for and providing a living environment for rescued moon and sun bears with vivid examples.

The second book, ‘Technical instructions to plant and cultivate herbal alternatives to bear bile’, is the outcome of cooperation between the AAF, the Vietnam Traditional Medicine Association, and the Vietnam National Institute of Medical Materials in a joint effort to end bear bile farming in Vietnam.

Animals Asia began rescuing bears in Vietnam in 2006. Currently, 173 rescued bears are being cared for and rehabilitated at the charity’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc Province.

Nhan Dan