vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Ministry lifts ban on nude photography

 The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has lifted the ban on nude photography which took effect in May and met with opposition from many photographers.

Flood tides submerge HCM City streets

Flood ties on today morning, November 16, peaked at 1.69 metres, leaving many streets in HCM City under water.

Motorbike owners to be fined for non-transfer of vehicle ownership

 Motorbike owners that have not transferred the ownership of their vehicles will face a fine of VND100,000 (USD4.47) to VND400,000 starting from 2017.

Microsoft deepens footprints in Vietnam’s education

 The Ministry of Education and Training has been collaborating with Microsoft Vietnam and Vietnet-ICT to organise Training for Trainers workshops on new ICT and computer science curriculum using active teaching and learning methodologies.

ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Retreat begins in Laos

 The ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) Retreat opened in Vientiane, Laos, on November 16, seeking to boost defence cooperation for a dynamic ASEAN.

Vietnam, Belarus boost military technology cooperation

 Defence Deputy Minister Be Xuan Truong met with Smolsky Gennady Aleksandrovich, Vice Chairman of the State Military-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus, in Hanoi on November 15. 

Public Security Minister’s visit to foster ties with Israel

 Public Security Minister General To Lam met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on November 15, during which he thanked the PM for directing Israel’s agencies to cooperate with Vietnam’s Public Security Ministry in past years. 

VN listed among sixth leading source of foreign students in U.S.

 The 2016 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange finds that there were 21,403 students from Viet Nam, making it the 6th leading country of origin among international students in the United States, moving up from 9th position in 2015. 

Vietnam ranks 31st out of 72 countries in English skills

 VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam has made significant headway in English language education in the last few years, but needs to move faster to achieve its targets,

PVTex dream smashed

VietNamNet Bridge - While foreign investors flock to Vietnam, many textile projects developed by Vietnamese investors have failed, raising concerns about the future of Vietnam’s textile & garment industry.

KIDO to soon issue $45m in bonds

 The KIDO Group Corporation (KDC) has announced it will issue VND1 trillion ($45 million) worth of bonds before the year is out.

Anh Vien aims high for Asian Swimming Championship 2016

 Vietnamese top swimmer Nguyen Thi Anh Vien aims to win high prizes at the 10th Asian Swimming Championship 2016 in Tokyo, Japan on November 17-20.

Large-scale int’l charity bazaar comes back to HCM City in late November

The Consular Club HCMC - representing Consular Missions in HCMC - will hold its 23rd annual International Charity Bazaar on November 26 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the White Palace Convention Center in HCMC’s Phu Nhuan District.

Bank for overseas Vietnamese proposed

 A proposal to establish the Viet kieu (Overseas Vietnamese) Bank in Viet Nam has been raised at a meeting between Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Viet kieu experts last week.

Da Nang to adjust 2030’s Master Plan

 The central city of Da Nang has submitted an adjustment to its master urban plan for 2030 - 2050 to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Vietnam has huge franchising potential

 With its high economic growth rate and a population of over 90 million, 60 per cent of whom are young consumers, Viet Nam has become an increasingly attractive destination for many international franchising and retail businesses.

Hanoi celebrates Polish literary giant

 VietNamNet Bridge – A meeting celebrating the year of Henryk Sienkiewicz was held on November 14 to commemorate the great novelist of Poland.

Rare animal released into wild

 The Wildlife Research and Conservation Centre (WRCC) and Cuc Phuong National Park have recently successfully released 46 Javan pangolins into the wild. 

Hanoi to host Asia’s first Gaelic football youth tourney

 The Asian Youth Championship of Gaelic football will open at Hanoi’s My Dinh Stadium on November 19.

Vietnam's kindergarten listed in the World’s 30 Best New Buildings

Farming Kindergarten has been nominated as one of the top 30 architectural designs 2016 by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) thanks to its harmony with nature and energy saving.