vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Greater decentralization for HCMC piloted

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has agreed to pilot stronger decentralization and authorization for HCMC on matters currently under the jurisdiction of the Government and of the Prime Minister, said a report on the Government portal this Monday. 

Govt urged to halt all coal-fired power projects still on paper

The Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance and the Vietnam Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Alliance have proposed the Government put on hold all the coal-fired thermal power projects. 

Retirement age increase gets mixed reactions

 Mixed reactions have surfaced over a plan to increase retirement age, a National Assembly (NA) official told a conference on labor relations held on Monday in Hanoi.

Sixth European Language Day to be held in Hanoi

 The sixth European Language Day will be take place at the Goethe Institute, 56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Hanoi on October 29, promising to offer participants an opportunity to take part in activities relating to various European languages.

ODA interest rates for Vietnam to increase

 ODA interest rates for Vietnam may increase to 2%-3.5% starting from next July as preferential ODA loans end.

Phu Quoc faces waste overloading

 Phu Quoc Island, one of the popular tourist attractions of Vietnam, is facing the danger of becoming overloaded with waste as the island struggles to process half the daily amount produced.

HCMC announces pork origin tracking project

The HCMC Department of Industry and Trade this morning October 26 announced a project to manage and track pork origin in the city.

Vietnam moves up in WB's Doing Business Report

 According to the World Bank Group’s annual ease of doing business report released yesterday in Washington D.C., economies in the East Asia and Pacific region are steadily making progress to ease the process of doing business.

Vietnam & Cambodia sign trade deal

 Agreement removes tariffs on certain goods in bid to enhance trade between two neighbors.

Vinamilk divestment: first step in December

 State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) decided to divest a 9 per cent stake in Vietnam Dairy Products JSC (Vinamilk) in December.

Where to go on Halloween in Hanoi?

 Although Halloween is a Western tradition, it has gained in popularity in Vietnam because it is a fun holiday.

Vietnam to host Miss Grand International 2017

 On the evening of October 25 at the Miss Grand International 2016 grand finale in Las Vegas, host Brian White surprised everyone with the announcement that Vietnam has been selected as the venue to host next year’s competition.

The youngest female dollar multi-millionaires on the stock market

VietNamNet Bridge - Most of them were born into rich families, inheriting huge fortunes from their parents. Many of them hold important positions in businesses, though they are still very young.

Reggae Festival attracts locals and expats

 Several dozen local and expatriate musicians and artists will perform at the Saigon Reggae Festival:Garden Reunion at Indika Saigon on October 30.

UK artist explores VN through windows

 Artist Bridget March of the UK will showcase a collection of her new watercolour paintings featuring windows of urban Vietnam at VinGallery next week.

HCM City doctors successfully treat rare liver artery aneurysm

 Doctors at Binh Dan Hospital in HCM City’s District 3 have successfully performed an endovascular intervention on a 57-year-old man with a hepatic artery aneurysm, a rare condition.

Vietnam's 10 major export products in 9 months

 Vietnam's 10 major export products in 9 months

Vietnam to host important events of regional textile industry

 The Vietnam Textile Association (Vitas) will host a number of important events of regional textile industry from October 31 to November 2, said Vitas President Vu Duc Giang. 

Explore the land of Truc Lam Zen Buddhism

 VietNamNet Bridge – The 11th century Vinh Nghiem Pagoda and its collection of 3,050 rare Han-Nom woodblocks are just two of a plethora of attractions that await tourists visiting Bac Giang Province.

New measures for promoting Mekong region’s potential

 The freshly-concluded 7th ACMECS Summit, the 8th CLMV Summit and the World Economic Forum on Mekong Region (WEF Mekong) in Hanoi have underlined the need to promote intra-bloc relations while developing ties with developed countries and partners.