vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Vietnamese banks prefer borrowing from foreign banks to domestic sources

VietNamNet Bridge - The dollar deposit interest rate in Vietnam remains at zero percent, but commercial banks are still trying to borrow dollars from foreign banks.

Xuan La Village preserves art of traditional rice powder figurines

 VietNamNet Bridge – When I was a child, some of my favourite toys were small, colourful figurines made from glutinous rice powder. The figurines, called to he, were brought back to me by my mother from the Xuan La Village,

Banned ’superstitious’ items keep selling

Despite efforts of local authorities to stamp out superstitious practices as well as publications of unsavoury reading materials, sales of "mystical cultural” items and books of superstitious practices boomed after the Tet holiday

“Scrap villages” might explode in Ha Noi

 VietNamNet Bridge – In a narrow alley on Hoang Cau Street in Dong Da District, among a residential complex and multi-storey buildings, there is a row of shabby one-storey houses without address plaques.

Population increase outstrips school building

 VietNamNet Bridge – While some districts in inner Ha Noi lack land to build schools, dozens of pieces of land in the suburbs of the capital city are left fallow, or used for other purposes.

A hobby for a better work-life balance

VietNamNet Bridge – The rapid growth of the Internet has turned the world into a smaller and more connected place. Postal services, therefore, are getting less popular.

Long term solution needed for Mekong drought

VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta is facing severe drought and critical inland salination at the same time. El Nino and the shortage of water to the delta due to dams built by countries in the upper Mekong mainstream are the main causes

TripAdvisor names Nha Trang rising destination

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nha Trang received TripAdvisor’s “Destinations on the Rise – Asia” award for its growth in ratings and international recognition it received from online travel communities,

Expectations for Vietnam's first female National Assembly leader

 Many National Assembly (NA) deputies and voters consider the election of Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as Vietnam's first female top legislator a turning point for the legislature.

Vietnam’s plastics industry could fall into foreigners’ hands

VietNamNet Bridge - At least $5-6 billion is the budget Thai SCG plans to spend on merger & acquisition (M&A) deals in Vietnam from now to 2020.

Binh Dinh: the heart of martial arts culture

 VietNamNet Bridge – The practice of martial arts, an integral part of Vietnamese culture, is still being preserved and developed after decades of existence.

Foreign investment funds eye fintech startups

VietNamNet Bridge - Fintech (financial technology) firms are the new ‘aiming point’ for financial investors.

Spaniard inspired by VN ceramics

VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam’s long tradition of ceramics has inspired many expats living here. Spain’s Leandro Marcelino is one among them, who not only understands clearly the different genres of ancient ceramics in the country

New trend of FDI inflow in Vietnam

The increasing appearance of foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in research & development (R&D) will help Vietnam accelerate the transformation from a low value-added production economy to a high value-added one.

Better times ahead for rural tourism in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – The idea of rural tourism is a bit of a puzzle for many Vietnamese citizens, said speakers at a recent conference in Ho Chi Minh City discussing the development of craft village tourism in the country. 

Experts say e-government in Vietnam still weak

 E-government in Vietnam remains weak and less developed than in other regional countries though it is vital to the nation’s international integration process, experts told a seminar in Hanoi on March 30.

People may shun metro service due to road expansion, experts

If roads in HCMC continue expansion, commuters will prefer using their vehicles instead of Metro Line No. 1, an economic expert said at a conference held on March 29 to discuss solutions to traffic congestion and accident reduction.

Will HCM City become a special economic zone?

Before HCM City’s Party Secretary Dinh La Thang stated the idea of turning HCM City into a special economic zone like Shanghai, the city authorities asked for the central government’s permission to build this model 20 years ago.

ANZ: Vietnam strong in textile exports

 ANZ has recently released its Greater Mekong Outlook report, analyzing the importance of the textile industry for countries in the region.

Danang to host first Japanese cherry blossom festival

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Hanami (Cherry Blossom) Festival is scheduled to take place at Asia Park in Danang on April 9-10.