Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang.

As a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country with diverse religious and belief life, the Vietnamese State consistently implements a policy of respecting and guaranteeing a citizen's right to freedom of religion and belief, and the right to follow or not follow any religion; ensuring equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief; and protecting activities of religious organisations by law, stated the Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang on May 18.

Hang made the remarks in reply to reporters’ queries about Vietnam’s reaction to the US Department of State’s annual Report on International Religious Freedom on May 15, 2023 and the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)’s annual report on international religious freedom in 2023, during the ministry's regular press conference.  

"These rights are prescribed in the Constitution of Vietnam, the Law on Belief and Religion 2016 and related legal documents; and are guaranteed to be respected in practice," the deputy spokesperson stressed.

Although the reports of the USCIRF and the US Department of State have noted some progress of Vietnam in promoting religious freedom and cited official information of Vietnamese Government’s agencies, they have still presented subjective observations based on unverified and inaccurate information about the actual situation in Vietnam, she said.

“As we have affirmed many times, Vietnam is always ready to discuss with the US side on issues of mutual concern in the spirit of frankness, openness and mutual respect on issues in which the two sides still have differences, thus contributing to promoting the Vietnam – US comprehensive partnership”, Hang stated.

Tran Van Thuong - Tran Thi Hue