odd news

Update news odd news

22-month-old boy climbs rocks, conquers Cat Ba caves with dad

Tao experienced his first trekking trip in his life when he was 22 months old on August 29. He was able to "conquer" a primitive cave in Gia Luan commune on Cat Ba Island.

Food fashion a piece of cake for designer

When it comes to Mekong Delta cuisine, it would be remiss not to mention the variety of bánh (cake) on offer. The likes of bánh xèo (crispy Vietnamese crepes), bánh lá mít (rice dough wrapped in jackfruit leaf),

Vietnam specialties: rare bougainvillea offered for VND7 billion

It is common to see Bougainvilleas in Vietnam at inexpensive prices. However, due to their scarcity, some kinds of bougainvillea trees fetch VND hundreds of millions or even billions.

Food reviewers on social media: new job in Hanoi

Food reviewers, who can eat for free and earn money from restaurant owners after posting reviews on social networks, are becoming more common in Vietnam.

Triplets born early and raised with care when pandemic hits the peak

In late July this year, the Obstetrics Hospital of Can Tho City welcomed three very special deliveries.

Local specialties plummeting in price

While Phu Yen lobster prices are surging, VND100,000 per kilogram more expensive than the previous crop, other aquatic specialties including ca lang (hemibagrus) and hau sua (oyster milk) have seen prices plummet, causing big losses for farmers.

Vietnam’s “forest man” Ho Van Lang passes away

Mr. Ho Van Lang - who lived in the forest for more than 40 years - has passed away at the age of 52 after a long battle with liver cancer.

Woman with COVID-19 gives birth on the way home

A pregnant woman who tested positive for SARS-COV-2 successfully gave birth to a boy at the Quang Ngai Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics hospital on Thursday.

Local man accidentally takes two vaccine shots in a minute

A 49-year-old man received two doses of Vero Cell vaccine in one minute in a rare accident in HCM City.

Sweet marriage of couple just 1.2 meters tall

After 1.5 years of dating, the ‘tiny couple’ are now enjoying their beautiful days of married life.

2-year-old's eardrum nearly punctured after 20 fly larvae found in ear

If the patient had been hospitalized later, the larvae would have burrowed deep into the girl's middle ear, causing injury and perforating the eardrum, seriously affecting her hearing.

40-year-old factory worker gets a 27 score on social science exam

As a factory worker in Dong Anh district in Hanoi, Nguyen Thi Thuy, 40, has gained public esteem after she got a 27 score on the social science exam on the 2021 national high school final exams.

Elsa statue in Sa Pa removed after facing criticism

The statue of Disney princess Elsa in Sa Pa has faced criticism from people who believe that it doesn’t fit the natural landscape in the tourism spot.

Unemployed by Covid-19 workers cycle thousands of kilometres home

A woman and her three children have decided to cycle over 1,300 kilometres home after losing their jobs and running out of money due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Truck driver discovers man under vehicle after traveling 20km

Stopping at a gas station, a truck driver panicked when he saw a man get out from under his truck. The man told him that he was the victim of a traffic accident about 20km away.

Renowned duckling ‘staff’ hang out at florist shop

The pair of lovely ducks has become a source of joy for traders and children in a corner of Thiec market.

Vietnam's odd jobs: smelling jackfruit for a living, cooking salt

Jackfruit 'smellers' help merchants find delicious jackfruit to collect, and salt cooks help turn raw unclean grains of salt into white clean salt. These are a few of the interesting jobs in Vietnam few people know about.

Old discarded clothes turned into expensive products

All old things, from clothes and guitars to motorbikes, can be recycled into useful and highly aesthetic items thanks to talented artisans.

Phu Tho woman finds husband after 13-year absence

Thanks to a video posted on Tiktok, a woman in Phu Tho province has found her husband who was missing for 13 years.

Gourds that weigh 15 kilograms and other unusual phenomena in Vietnam

A special variety which produces gourds weighing up to 15 kilograms has been handed down by generations of Hai Phong families, while an ornamental tree variety in Dong Thap province has leaves with four colors.