Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong

Update news Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong

Party leaders worldwide praise Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong’s contributions

Leaders of communist and left-wing parties around the world have expressed admiration and highlighted the great contributions of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to Vietnam's development.

Hanoi Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong’s commitment to compassion in journalism

For journalist Thu Hong, one unforgettable professional incident involved former Politburo member and Hanoi Party Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who helped her team during a critical moment.

The worn-out shoes in the cold of Europe of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

VietNamNet presents an article by Mr. Vu Quang Minh, Vietnam’s Ambassador to Germany, former Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the Kingdom of Cambodia. The title was set by VietNamNet.

King of England and Sultan of Brunei recall memories of Vietnam's Party Chief

World leaders, including the King of England and the Sultan of Brunei, share their heartfelt memories and tributes to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, highlighting his warmth, leadership, and enduring legacy.

Party chief remembered as dedicated leader working for people’s sake

Many overseas Vietnamese (OVs) have grieved for the passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who was an excellent leader of the Party, State, and people of Vietnam and devoted himself to working for the people’s sake.

Sentiments, respect for Party leader expressed nationwide

Officials, Party members, and people across the country have shown their boundless grief at the passing away of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and their warm sentiments towards him.

Party chief’s attention to culture lays foundation for sustainable development

With his widespread influence, the Party chief has guided and directed the development of the cultural sector, the official said.

Vietnamese Party leader’s passing grabs international headlines

Major news agencies around the world made wide coverage of Vietnamese General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s passing,

Int’l media spotlight Vietnam’s achievements under Party chief’s leadership

International media have reported the passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on recent days and also reviewed milestones of his career.

Cherished memories of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with Vietnamese people

Throughout his tenure, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has participated in numerous events, creating memorable moments with the people of Vietnam. This tribute captures some of those cherished interactions.

Journalist Nguyen Phu Trong’s ethical journalism practices

When talking about journalist Nguyen Phu Trong, one noteworthy aspect is his approach to distributing royalties fairly, which closely relates to everyone working in journalism.

Nation mourns the loss of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Vietnam is cloaked in sorrow following the announcement of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing on the evening of July 19.

The enduring legacy of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Every word and action of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, up until his final breath, reflected his unwavering dedication to the revolutionary cause of the Party and our nation, living a life entirely for the country and the people.

The great value in General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's esteemed books

Over the past three years, many significant books by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong have been released, showcasing his sharp thinking and outstanding political vision on major national issues.

Football tournaments, sport events suspended during national mourning.

The Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) on July 20 announced a notice of temporary suspension of all tournaments organised by the VFF during national mourning.

A look back at Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong in meetings with world leaders

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, hosted many welcoming ceremonies for leaders of foreign countries visiting Vietnam during his tenure.

Top Chinese leader mourns passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping on July 20 came to the Vietnamese Embassy in Beijing to mourn the passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong.

World leaders praise contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Leaders from many countries have praised General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's contributions to promoting and developing relations between Vietnam and its partners.

Communist, left-wing political leaders hail Vietnamese Party chief’s devotion

Leaders of many communist parties and left-wing political parties worldwide have expressed their deep condolences over the passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

Members of board for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's funeral

Here is a list of members of the board for the state funeral of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (funeral board).