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Prime Minister delivers speech at 26th int’l conference on future of Asia

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivered a speech at the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia that was held virtually on May 20.

Young theatre producers hit it big with cai luong shows

Thousands of people in HCM City and the Mekong River Delta region have been captivated by new theatre shows and TV programmes featuring cai luong (reformed opera), a 100-year-old traditional music genre of the south.

US recovery ripple effect for Vietnam

Along with many nations, the US economy is recovering, leading to a rise in the demand for goods imported from Vietnam amid the two economies witnessing their heyday in bilateral trade and investment ties on the back of various motives, 

Legal framework needed to manage virtual financial investment platforms

Experts have warned that a firm legal framework and strict punishment measures are needed to manage virtual financial investment platforms, which they say are now out of control.

Steel tycoon’s son considers major business deal

The family of Vietnam’s steel tycoon Tran Dinh Long will mark a turning point in power if Long’s son successfully buys more shares of Hoa Phat Group (HPG).

Largest-ever pangolin scale smuggling ring busted in Hanoi

Police forces in Hanoi claimed on May 19 to have broken up the largest pangolin scale smuggling ring ever detected in Vietnam.

Vietnamese fashion thrives despite the pandemic

Despite being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnamese fashion designers have opted for innovation and meaningful projects.

VN national football team ready to fly to the UAE

All members of the national football squad of Vietnam have had their second and final injections of the Covid-19 vaccine and are ready for their trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the second qualifier round of the World Cup 2022.

Fixing technological vulnerabilities and fighting coronavirus

Although the VHD, NCOVI and Bluezone apps have helped people make health declarations, there are still loopholes that allow people to avoid the declarations.

Online Vietnamese bookstores open in Europe

Vietnamese books are available in Europe with a great effort to preserve the mother language and culture of Vietnam.

Nhan Dan Newspaper has new Editor-in-Chief

Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper.

Hanoi streets decorated to welcome election day

Many roads in Hanoi have been decorated with panels, flags, banners, and propaganda slogans for the election day of the 15th National Assembly and all-levels of People’s Councils for the 2021 to 2026 tenure, which will fall on May 23.

VN Government asks Health Ministry to buy Covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible

The Government has issued Resolution No. 09 dated May 18, 2021 on the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines.

New Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs appointed

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has appointed Mr. Pham Quang Hieu as new Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Eradication of e-commerce merchant tricks demanded

Online shoppers are being warned over purchasing expensive goods as a rise in e-commerce means more merchants exploiting loopholes and concerns over customer protection

Ho Chi Minh City needs breakthrough solutions

If we believe that Ho Chi Minh City will be a very modern, fastest-growing, and the most dynamic city in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific within the next ten or fifteen years, we will not be wrong. 

Canada helps Vietnam access COVID-19 vaccines

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has reiterated his pledge to provide continued assistance to Vietnam’s ongoing COVID-19 fight, including vaccine accessibility, 


Proptech firms catch the eye of foreign investors

Two new strains of SARS-CoV-2 detected in Vietnam

The National Hospital for Tropical Diseases has discovered two new variants of SARS-CoV-2 after gene sequencing of patient samples.


45 new COVID-19 cases documented on May 20 evening