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Failure of Vietnamese literary film adaptations

The tragic level of box office revenue of most films that have been adapted from books is examined by cinema critic Nguyen Phong Viet.

Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes unprecedented new law

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) said that, while most sub-industries are covered by laws, activities in the processing and manufacturing industry have not had specific regulations.

VN tycoon considers major deal, competes with foreign rivals in $10bil market segment

Masan Group billionaire Nguyen Dang Quang is considering a billion-dollar deal in an area that is Vietnam's strength but has been controlled by large foreign corporations for the past decade.

'Farm rescue' campaigns are on the way out

Farm produce should be sold in a competitive market, rather than through a "market of compassion" or rescue campaigns, experts have said.

HCM City to invite bids for operating 90 subsidised bus routes

The HCM City Department of Transport will invite bids for operating 90 subsidised bus routes to improve their quality and efficiency.

Hue residents take active role in building smart city

Applying IT in practice and developing people-centered smart cities, the government of Thua Thien-Hue province has encouraged active feedback from its residents.

Vietnam to double-check all quarantined incoming people

Police of provinces and cities will closely coordinate with the People's Committees of districts and related units to review all people who entered Vietnam from April 4 to May 5 and have undergone the mandatory quarantine period.

Election held in East Sea

The island communes of the Truong Sa island district in the central province of Khanh Hoa conducted early voting on May 16 while the election constituency in Truong Sa town will hold its election on May 23, the same date as scheduled.


111 new COVID-19 cases recorded on May 19 afternoon


Foodstuff prices rise, pose inflation threat

Smart Village a new hope for high technology application in agriculture

Establishing a village where farmers can work and live in the urban areas is the dream of those who work at a software company in HCM City.

Overseas Vietnamese commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

Various activities have been held by overseas Vietnamese over the past few days to celebrate the 131st birth anniversary of late President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - 2021).

All localities resolved to organise elections on schedule, successfully

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, Chairman of the National Election Council hosted a national teleconference on deploying the election of deputies to the 15th NA and members of all-level People’s Councils for 2021-2026 tenure.

Vietnam proposes ASEAN, China prioritise coordination in COVID-19 fight

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung, head of Vietnam’s ASEAN SOM, has suggested ASEAN and China prioritise coordination in fighting COVID-19 and spurring sustainable recovery.

Vietnam to get 31 million Pfizer vaccine doses in Q3, Q4

Vietnam is expected to get 31 million COVID-19 vaccine doses developed by US-based firm Pfizer in the third and fourth quarters of 2021, said the Ministry of Health (MoH).

Inflation expected to be reined in for 2021

In a bid to continue successfully controlling inflation this year amid a rise in local consumption, the government is taking drastic action, with the stabilisation of prices of key items in the market a priority.

PhD production plan: Will Project 89 go a new way?

Before launching Project 89 that aimed to produce 7,300 more lecturers with a doctoral degree, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) ran two projects on preparing human resources with doctoral and master’s degrees, worth trillions of VND.

Kinh Thien staircase - typical architecture of Vietnam’s middle age

Hanoi has planned to turn Thang Long Imperial Citadel into the most beautiful heritage park, a special destination of the capital city.

Uncle Ho’s contributions to fight against racism highlighted

President Ho Chi Minh’s vision and his important role in struggles for independence of African countries and their fight against racism has been highlighted in radio programme “The Taylor Report” hosted by Phil Taylor, 

Stamp collections featuring President Ho Chi Minh

Late President Ho Chi Minh is a great inspiration for Vietnamese stamp artists with his image repeatedly showing up on thousands of postage stamps issued by the Vietnam Post.