vietnam news

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Veteran dramatist preserves an old art

 VietNamNet Bridge – A drama project featuring cải lương (reformed opera), the traditional music genre of the south, will be completed this year following 15 years of writing and recording by a veteran HCM City artist and his young staff.

Regional Specialties Fair to showcase VN cuisine

VietNamNet Bridge – A large-scale fair held in Ha Noi will introduce culinary specialities from 50 cities and provinces, including processed seafood, candy, tea and coffee, fresh fruits, spices and other agricultural products.

M&A in Vietnam showing potential

Vietnam, with its emerging potential as an entry point to the CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) group, has been rated the second-largest market for mid-market M&A into Southeast Asia in 2015.

How to “receive guests”?

 VietNamNet Bridge – Currently regular expenditures account for nearly 70% of state expenditures, ie if we earn VND10, we spend VND7 and have only VND2 for investment and development activities and VND1 for paying debt.

"Farmers work hard to enrich officials"

 VietNamNet Bridge - In the current period, the Party and State are focusing efforts on the issue of restructuring the economy, renovating the growth model, and institutional reform.

Vietnam continues fight against climate change

 Some 300 urban areas will be badly affected in future as Vietnam is in the top five most vulnerable countries to climate change according to a conference held in Hanoi on November 24.

Saigon river slum life

 Thousands of households are living in temporary and dilapidated houses near Saigon River in HCM City.

HCM City flood control master plan inadequate: official

 VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City authorities are being urged to develop a master plan for flood control as new flood-prone areas have emerged and flooding has re-occurred in others.

More trains to run for Tet holidays

 VietNamNet Bridge – There will be more trains between Ha Noi and other provinces and cities to meet the increase in commuter traffic on the occasion of Lunar New Year (Tet) Festival next year.

Records set up at national athletics championship

 VietNamNet Bridge – Athletes set up three new records at the ongoing National Athletics Championships in Ha Noi.

CJ Group subsidiary to buy 47.33% of Cau Tre

 The Cau Tre Export Goods Processing JSC is seeking shareholder approval for CJ CheilJedang, the food subsidiary of South Korea’s CJ Group, to purchase shares from major shareholders and become its strategic partner.

Dieu Ngoc jets off to US for Miss World pageant

Vietnamese representative Dieu Ngoc on November 25 departed for Miss World 2016 pageant in Washington DC, the US.

ASEAN bloc investments booming, VN among best destinations

VietNamNet Bridge - Economic groups and corporations from ASEAN countries, including Vietnamese businesses, are pouring big money into neighboring countries. 

USD/VND exchange rate reaches record high

 The State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) today again raised the exchange rate by 13 Vietnamese dong, taking it to a record high of VND22,131 per US dollar.

Sabeco fined for administrative misconduct

 The State Security Commission of Viet Nam (SSC) issued a decision to fine the Sai Gon Alcohol Beer and Beverages Corporation (Sabeco) for alleged regulatory malpractice on the stock market.

Vietnam's agriculture to focus on 10 export products: minister

 The agricultural sector will focus on restructuring, developing and promoting ten key products for export, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong said at a meeting held on November 22 in Ha Noi.

Vietnam hobbled by weak logistics sector

Viet Nam has emerged as a powerful manufacturing powerhouse in Asia but “weak logistics activities have limited its trade competitiveness”, the deputy minister of industry and trade said at a logistics forum held yesterday in HCM City.

HCM City to submit airport metro proposal to PM

VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City early next year plans to submit for approval to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc a US$276 million metro-line project to Tan Son Nhat international airport in Tan Binh District, the country’s busiest airport.

Top flower designers to show off in Da Nang

 VietNamNet Bridge – Top flower designers from Asian countries and Vietnam will take part in the Da Nang International Flower Show at the city’s Risemount Resort on November 25-26.

Hue tourism, culture day to open in Hanoi

 A programme highlighting tourism and culture of the ancient imperial city of Hue, central Thua Thien – Hue province, will take place from December 13-16 at the Hanoi Opera House.