vietnam news

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Vintage photos of Saigon in 1964

 VietNamNet Bridge – These timeless photos taken by photographer Lonnie M Long in 1964 provide some fascinating insight into Saigon from another era long gone by.

Travel, relax and also make a difference

 VietNamNet Bridge – When we think about travel, we tend to imagine ourselves lying on a beach in glorious sunlight, swimming in transparent blue water or breathing fresh mountainous air.

New Chairman for PetroVietnam

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has issued Decision No. 89/QD-TTg appointing Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh, General Director of PetroVietnam, as its new Chairman.

Party congresses – important historical milestones

 Since its establishment, the Communist Party of Vietnam has held 11 Congresses. Each Congress is considered an important historical milestone in recognising the Vietnamese revolution’s victories, achievements and lessons.

Vietnamese film nominated at Berlin int’l film festival

 The Vietnamese film “Thanh pho khac” (Another City) is among the nominations in the short film category at the 66th Berlin International Film Festival, which will be held from February 11-22 in Germany’s capital Berlin.

David Beckham invites Vietnamese singers to attend Beijing party

 Former Manchester United (MU) midfielder David Beckham has invited two Vietnamese singers- Ho Ngoc Ha and Toc Tien- to join his party on January 14 in Beijing, China, according to

PV GAS among top 50 companies in Southeast Asia

 Nikkei Asian Review magazine has released a list of 50 most valuable companies in Southeast Asia in 2015 with PetroVietnam Gas Corporation (PV Gas) standing at 48.

SLNA football club signs Nigerian Marshal

 Song Lam Nghe An (SLNA) have signed a one-year contract with Nigerian footballer Odah Marshal to prepare for this year's football season.

Vietnam’s market turns out to be challenging for retailers

VietNamNet Bridge - In early 2015, Parkson My Dinh shut down and at the end of the year, Big C announced it planned to leave Vietnam, proving to be a challenging year for retailers, including the most powerful firms.

Vietnam buys many Chinese goods, from onions to cars

VietNamNet Bridge - All Chinese goods can be sold in Vietnam, from farm produce to automobiles, from toothpicks to electronics and from clothes to thermopower technologies.

Trucks, coaches banned from 30 Hanoi streets

Certain specific vehicles will be banned from entering 30 streets in Ha Noi at three rush-hour slots during the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.

Factories blamed for mass fish death in Dong Nai River

 Farmers in the southern province of Dong Nai said they disagree with the contention that a low oxygen content in water caused the death of roughly 200 tonnes of fish in Dong Nai River recently.

Education for Nature declares war on pangolin crime

 The Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) has initiated a “zero tolerance” policy on illegal hunting, trading and use of pangolins – which are on the brink of extinction.

Gala line-up includes over 20 Vietnamese, Korean singers

 Over 20 famous singers from Vietnam and the Republic of Korea will appear in Gala Vietnam Top Hits, which will take place at the Lan Anh music stage, Ho Chi Minh City, on January 19.

Vietnam target Under-23 quarter-finals

 Coach Toshyia Miura of Vietnam strongly believes in his team's chances at the Asian U-23 Football Championship in Qatar.

A breathtaking bay of Ninh Thuan

 VietNamNet Bridge – A visit to the central coast province of Ninh Thuan is not complete without dropping by Vinh Hy Bay to admire its beauty.

Petrol prices may be adjusted daily

 Local retail petrol prices could be adjusted daily instead of every fortnight in the future, Do Thang Hai, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said.

Australia arrests woman selling invalid tickets to hundreds of VN students

 Australian police in Sydney arrested a woman on January 13 for allegedly selling fake airline tickets to overseas Vietnamese students through Facebook.

Vietnam Television to restructure ownership of units

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has ordered a restructuring plan for Vietnam Television (VTV) companies.

Vietnam among 2016's best economic performers: Bloomberg survey

 Vietnam was forecast to reach an economic growth rate of 6.6 percent in 2016 just behind India with 7.4-percent growth, said economists in the survey on the world's worst-performing economies in 2016 carried out by Bloomberg.