international schools

Update news international schools

Binh Duong-based bilingual school offers job opportunities

Viet Hoa International School (VHIS), one of the leading international schools for kindergarten and primary students in the southern province of Binh Duong, is seeking qualified candidates for the position: Principle or Management Teams.

Job opportunity with a leading international school in Binh Duong

Viet Hoa International School (VHIS), one of the leading international schools for kindergarten and primary students in the southern province of Binh Duong, is seeking qualified candidates for the position: Principle or Management Teams.

School fees of Hanoi’s international schools up to over VND700 million/year

In the upcoming school year, the tuition fees of international schools in Hanoi have increased compared to previous years. The highest tuition fee is up to VND700 million (about $34,000)/year.

American teacher fired for not disclosing past charge on possessing pornographic images of children

Parents whose children are studying at Singapore International School in Da Nang have expressed their concern about the news that a gym teacher was once accused of having child pornography in the US.

HCM City stops piloting foreign syllabus at international schools

The HCM City People's Committee has recently asked four international schools to suspend their foreign syllabus from the 2021-2022 school year following Decree 86/2018/NĐ-CP.

Vietnamese schools face shortage of foreign teachers

A number of international schools and English teaching centres nationwide are facing the prospect of a shortage of foreign teachers caused by the negative impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

What’s in a name?

Recent news of a maths professor at a US community college asking one of his students to “Anglicise” her name made headlines around the world, while the offending email was widely shared on social media.

New decree paves way for boom of international schools in Vietnam

The number of Vietnamese students going to international schools in Vietnam is expected to increase rapidly in the near future following a new regulation which allows international schools to receive more Vietnamese students.

How much should affluent families spend on their children’s schooling?

VietNamNet Bridge - Besides tuition costs of VND200-400 million a year, parents have to pay additional expenses for boarders and other items to contribute to school development.

We still have lessons to learn in education

 VietNamNet Bridge – Education in Viet Nam has always been a subject that arouses passionate discussion as it involves small children and almost every family has something to say about it.

International schools inaccessible to average Vietnamese students

 Several international and private schools in Hanoi charge very high tuition fees, sometimes reaching the hundreds of millions of VND per year.

Developing international education in VN: the wind shifts

 VietNamNet Bridge – Domestic investors are seeing great opportunities to dominate the international education market in Vietnam.

Hanoi schools struggle to raise education standards

 VietNamNet Bridge – Principals say that a plan to establish premier public schools conforming to higher education standards is difficult to implement as they lack funds as well as financial autonomy.

Int'l schools make light of educating Vietnamese culture

 VietNamNet Bridge – In Vietnamese parents’ thoughts, “international schools” means international high education quality. However, the truth is quite otherwise.

HCM City sets own criteria to assess international schools

 VietNamNet Bridge – The municipal Department of Education and Training is compiling a new set of standards that will strengthen its assessment of training quality at international high schools in the city.

The decree may narrow international school network in Vietnam

The decree No. 73 prohibiting foreign invested schools receive Vietnamese children aged below 5 has raised the strong opposition from well-off parents.

Under-5-year-old children not allowed to go to international schools

The information that the Ministry of Education and Training prohibits Vietnamese children under five years old to go to international schools has raised controversy.