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HR Intern

FV Hospital
Updated: 26/07/2024

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  • Insurance
  • Travel
  • Incentive bonus
  • Healthcare
  • Training Scheme
  • Salary review

Job Description

A. General purpose of the position: Mục đích chung của vị trí này

HR Intern will assist the Human Resource staff in performing clerical duties HR intern the team in collecting and filling out documents for upcoming projects

B. Working relationships/ Quan hệ làm việc:

1. Department/ Phòng/ Khoa: HR Department

2. Report to/ Báo cáo cho: HR Director

3. Supervisory role/ Vai trò giám sát: N/A

4. Interaction with/ Liên hệ với:

- Internal/ Nội bộ: all FV staff
- External/ Bên ngoài: None

C. Key duties and responsibilities/ Nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm chính:

  • Data entry
  • Filing
  • Perform ad-hoc tasks assigned by supervisors from time to time

Job Requirement

1.     Qualification/ Trình độ chuyên môn:

3rd or 4th year student  or fresh graduated bachelor of relevant fields,

2.     Experience/ Kinh nghiệm: N/A

3.     Skills and knowledge/ Kiến thức và kỹ năng:

-       Understanding of organization skils, time management.

-       Be punctually

-       Be commitment and willing to learn.

4.     Foreign language(s)/ Ngoại ngữ:

-       Be able to understand and communicate in English 

More Information

  • Degree: College
  • Age: 21 - 22
  • Job type : Permanent
  • Salary: Competitive

Company Overview

FV Hospital

www.fvhospital.comCompany size: 1000
FV Hospital is 100% foreign-owned; it is financed by a group of French, Swiss and Belgian doctors - all very experienced healthcare professionals - supported...Detail

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FV Hospital

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HR Intern


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