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Quality Control (Automation)

Red Star Technology Company
Updated: 05/09/2024

Employment Information


  • Laptop
  • Travel
  • Allowances
  • Travel Abroad
  • Incentive bonus
  • Healthcare
  • Training Scheme
  • Salary review
  • Business Expense
  • Seniority Allowance
  • Annual Leave
  • Sport Club

Job Description

  • Perform tesCng of technology project deliverables

  • ImplementtechnologyapplicaConqualitytesCngprocess

  • IdenCfy,evaluate,andproposesoluConstorisksarisingwithinthedepartment

  • MakerelevantreportsaccordingtoregulaCons

  • ParCcipateinimplemenCngsystemimprovementworkwithintheDepartment&Division

Job Requirement

  • Atleast 2 years of relevant experience as a QC/Tester.

  • Must have experience using API testing tools such as SoapUI, JMeter, Postman.

  • Have practical experience with REST services, SOAP Service, gRPC, SSL/TLS.

  • Experience working with frontend frameworks such as AngularJS, Angular, ReactJS, VueJS. Having Python experience is an advantage.

  • Have experience working with banks, familiar with financial terms.

  • Having work experience related to building tests cripts on the Selenium(or Katalon) automated testing platform is an advantage.

  • Experience writing SQL queries is an advantage.

  • Experience using AWS Cloud, AWS Lamda is a big advantage.

More Information

  • Age: 25 - 40
  • Job type : Permanent
  • Salary: 1,000 - 2,500 USD

Company Overview

Red Star Technology Company size: 25-99
Red Star là công ty cung cấp giải pháp công nghệ và sản phẩm giải trí kỹ thuật số, trong đó có thể thao điện tử tại Việt Nam và Châu Á. Với sứ mệnh tạo ra...Detail

Quality Control (Automation)

Red Star Technology Company

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