Ai-Cha Food

Location: ho chi minh

Company size: 100-499Field of operations: Personal


Jobs active (7)

Job Title Location Salary Updated
餐饮连锁 招商主管(会中文) Ho Chi Minh 20 Mil - 30 Mil VND 17-06-2024
餐饮连锁 运营主管(会中文) Ho Chi Minh 25 Mil - 35 Mil VND 17-06-2024
餐饮连锁 营销主管(会中文) Ho Chi Minh 20 Mil - 30 Mil VND 17-06-2024
Franchise Manager Ho Chi Minh 20 Mil - 30 Mil VND 15-06-2024
Opeation Manager / Trưởng Bộ phận Vận hành hệ thống chuỗi (biết Tiếng Trung) Ho Chi Minh 25 Mil - 35 Mil VND 15-06-2024
Marketing manager / Trưởng bộ phận Marketing (biết Tiếng Trung) Ho Chi Minh 20 Mil - 30 Mil VND 15-06-2024
Franchise Manager / Trưởng bộ phận Kinh doanh nhượng quyền (biết Tiếng Trung) Ho Chi Minh 20 Mil - 30 Mil VND 15-06-2024

About us

Ai-CHA was founded in 2019 by the Lie brothers and successfully opened the first outlet in Indonesia on August 2022. We aim to serve good quality drinks at an affordable price. The name Ai-CHA itself comes from the combination of Chinese characters “爱”(ài) and “茶”(chá). The character “爱”(ài)can be translated into English verb “like” and noun “love, while the character “茶”(chá)refers to the word “tea”. The brand “Ai-Cha” technically means “sharing our love of tea by wholeheartedly serving fine quality of tea which will attract everyone around the world to taste”. We take great care to ensure all customers enjoy a good quality of tea which will bring joy to their lives.


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Hỗ Trợ Ứng Viên: (84.28) 3822-6060 hoặc (84.24) 7305-6060
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