

Địa điểm: Factory 29, street no. 9-7, Long Thanh Industrial Zone, Tam An, Long Thanh, Dong Nai

Loại hình hoạt động: Công ty đa quốc giaWebsite:


Việc làm đang tuyển (2)

Vị trí / Chức danh Tỉnh/Thành phố Mức lương Ngày cập nhật
Manufacturing Engineering Manager Đồng Nai Cạnh tranh 27-06-2024
Building Maintenance & Environmental Technician (Kỹ thuật viên môi trường và bảo trì cơ sở) Đồng Nai Cạnh tranh 24-06-2024

Giới thiệu về công ty

Samtec is the service leader in the electronic interconnect industry and a Global Manufacturer of Connectors, Cables, Optics, and RF Systems. Founded in 1976 by Sam Shine, at New Albany, US. Our differentiator – the way we went to market – was to provide the best, most personalized customer service in the industry. Our exceptional service coupled with the most advanced technology is what has enabled us to have 33 global locations including dual sourced manufacturing capabilities and more than 5000 employees at Samtec.

We are making the most advanced technology products possible that impact our world everyday like powering cutting-edge medical equipment breaking through the barriers of the aerospace and automative industries enabling energy efficient innovation and driving data and communications products that bring people together our customers and our employees inspire us to do better everyday impact we can make together.

With more than 713$ million in revenues in 2017 all global. We officially started operations in May 2017 in Viet Nam at Long Thanh Industrial, Dong Nai. We are expanding our business and opening many employment opportunities for dynamic, ambitious and skillful with right attitude to join and grow with us.

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Đăng nhập bằng

Hỗ Trợ Ứng Viên: (84.28) 3822-6060 hoặc (84.24) 7305-6060
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