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Đăng nhập bằng - Con Cung Joint Stock Company

Admin cum Receptionist - Con Cung Joint Stock Company
Ngày cập nhật: 05/06/2024

Thông Tin Tuyển Dụng

Phúc lợi

  • Chế độ bảo hiểm
  • Du Lịch
  • Phụ cấp
  • Chế độ thưởng
  • Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  • Đào tạo
  • Tăng lương
  • Công tác phí
  • Nghỉ phép năm

Mô tả Công việc

  • Receptionist tasks:

- Greet and welcome customers, partners.

- Handle all phone calls.

- Receive, sort and distribute daily mails/parcels.

- Manage and arrange office devices, assets, meeting rooms as required by Con Cưng’s standards.

  • Admin tasks:

- Order and monitor supplies as needed.

- Keep track of office expenses incurred during the month (expenses of rental, electricity, parking for employees, courier service, etc) and send payment requests to finance team.

- Be in charge: flight ticket, hotel, business fee for Board of Directors.

- Support/plan/organize the HR’s events for employee

- Other tasks assigned by Head of Deparment


- Annual bonus: 2 - 3 months

- Working in a dynamic, open and creative environment

- Fast promotion opportunities based on personal ability

- Team-Building, Year End Party and many internal events

Yêu Cầu Công Việc

- Female, good-looking, attractive (height >160cm).

- Graduated university major in Economics, Business English, Marketing…

- Be able to communicate in English fluently in person and phone call.

- Experience in Front desk, Customer services, Hospitality Management… is a plus

- Detail-oriented, confident, responsible

 -Working time: 8:30 - 17:30 Monday - Friday

- Working place: 14th Floor, Phu My Hung Tower, Tan Phu Ward, Dist. 7, HCMC

Thông tin khác

  • Bằng cấp: Đại học
  • Độ tuổi: 22 - 27
  • Giới tính: Nữ
  • Hình thức: Nhân viên chính thức
  • Lương: Cạnh tranh

Giới thiệu về công ty - Con Cung Joint Stock Company mô công ty: 1.000-4.999
Con Cung is the biggest omni-channel company for Mom & Baby with 700 retail stores in Vietnam and plan to have 1,000 stores by 2023 with 1 billion...Chi tiết

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Admin cum Receptionist - Con Cung Joint Stock Company

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Giới thiệu về công ty - Con Cung Joint Stock Company

Thông Tin Tuyển Dụng

Admin cum Receptionist

Địa điểm

Hỗ Trợ Ứng Viên: (84.28) 3822-6060 hoặc (84.24) 7305-6060
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